2: Logged in to AeroGCS Enterprise

If you're logged in to your AeroMegh account or AeroGCS Enterprise from within AeroGCS GREEN, the delete option for projects, plans, and plots will be disabled.

Reasoning: Since your projects are now synchronized with AeroGCS Enterprise, any deletions need to be done through the central platform to maintain data consistency.

Solution: To delete projects, plans, and plots when logged in, access them directly within AeroGCS Enterprise and delete them using the platform's tools.

Here's a summary of the deletion process based on your login status:

Login StatusProject DeletionPlan DeletionPlot Deletion

Not Logged In

Yes (Deletes all associated plans & plots)



Logged in (AeroGCS Enterprise)

Not possible in AeroGCS GREEN

Not possible in AeroGCS GREEN

Not possible in AeroGCS GREEN

Remember: Regardless of the login status, deleting projects, plans, and plots is permanent. Always confirm the deletion before proceeding.

Last updated