8.6 Camera Settings

The Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) serves as the conduit for transmitting unprocessed video and audio streams from IP cameras, networked DVRs, or NVRs.

To access the camera settings, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Settings" menu.

  2. Then, tap on "Camera Settings." The user will be presented with the following screen:

Choose a streaming device from the dropdown menu and proceed.

3. If the user selects "Mk15," the following screen will appear on the user’s display.

Configure the RTSP URL, Live Streaming Resolution, frame rate, and Decoder according to user needs. Afterward, click the "Save" button to save the settings.

Upon finishing the camera settings, the user can initiate live video streaming on FlyView by simply clicking on the "Live Stream" icon, as depicted in the following figure.

To stop the live stream, exit full-screen mode, and then click on the "Cancel" option within the live stream widget.

Note: Live Stream Activation During Flight

Upon clicking the arm/flight button in AeroGCS GREEN, the live stream feature is automatically activated and remains active until the drone is disarmed. During the flight, the "Live Stream" button on the flyview screen is inactive and cannot be manually toggled. This ensures uninterrupted streaming of real-time data and imagery to facilitate seamless monitoring and decision-making throughout the flight mission.

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